At A Glance

联合健康科学专业为学生提供了一个特殊的和创新的学习经验,谁将成为医疗保健专业人员. We graduate highly qualified, 多样化的医疗保健专业人员为不断变化的医疗保健工作人员做好了充分的准备-在以患者和家庭为中心的护理和专业协作方面接受了专业培训.

Degree Offered:

  • B.A. in Allied Health Science

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Ready to take the next step?


Major in Allied Health Science at Carthage

Prepare For A Career in Health Care

联合健康科学课程包括自然科学和行为科学在其广泛的跨学科课程, 注重与健康有关的问题和健康结果. 该计划将实验室科学课程与解决问题的必要课程相结合, working in interprofessional health care teams, 以及医疗保健领域所需的数据分析技能.

在联合健康科学学位可以导致各种各样的职业生涯作为医师助理, physical therapist, chiropractor, occupational therapist, epidemiologist, health care administrator, pharmacist, doctor, or athletic trainer.

  • “Allied health science comes with so many opportunities when you graduate. One of the first classes I took showed us all the different health care careers that we could go into, and it showed how they all worked together, which I thought was really cool.”

  • Abigail Davidson ?25

    “Campus involvement is so important to me, and I have made so many amazing memories in organizations here at Carthage. I hope to continue being involved while pursuing the education of my dreams.”

  • Karthryn Cramer ?24

    “The allied health science major will prepare you for your professional life. Something unique to Carthage is the jump-start experiences. These give first-year students the opportunity to learn hands-on skills that will help them later in life.”

  • Zahra Rognstad

    “The allied health science major is  a diverse major with students who want to be chiropractors, PAs, athletic trainers, and more. It allows me to meet and have potential opportunities in all different fields.”

  • Brett Westbrook ?27

    “Allied health science is a very diverse program and ultimately prepares you to be the best provider you can be in the field.”

  • Line Wisely ?26

    “I learned that I loved smaller class sizes and enjoyed having those closer connections with my teachers while in high school. I found that I could continue to grow those relationships here.”

Core values


Program outcomes

  1. 为学生提供健康科学的多学科基础,为他们在医疗保健行业的职业生涯做好准备.
  2. 准备高素质的专业人员,他们通过擅长跨专业沟通来改善健康结果, teamwork, and the delivery of safe, ethical, patient- centered care.
  3. 培养对知识的热情,造就终身学习者.
  4. 培养能够提出适当问题的人, 组织和检验假设,并应用研究结果来改善医疗保健结果.

Learn in and out of the classroom

当你是全球十大赌钱排行app联合健康科学专业的学生, you’ll take courses and electives in biology, chemistry, exercise and sports science, and physics. 你的课程将包括结构运动学, Introduction to Athletic Training, Healthcare Informatics, and Evidence-Based Practice.

Beyond the classroom, 你可以通过研讨会提高你的技能和专业知识, study abroad, and student organizations. 下面是一些体验式学习的机会:

  • Jump-Start Experiences — 通过教师主导的研讨会和其他导师指导的活动,获得对医疗保健专业的“快速启动”.
  • Grand Rounds — 每周由医生领导的研讨会使专职健康科学学生了解核心研究以外的最新发展,同时帮助他们掌握专业间的沟通技巧. 
  • Short-term Study Abroad — 不管你的医疗保健职业道路是什么, an understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion is imperative. At Carthage, 你可以出国留学,亲身体验其他国家的文化,了解其他国家的医疗保健. 备选方案包括每年两次前往尼加拉瓜的医疗特派团, 学生们在奥美佩岛的乡村诊所做志愿者. 
  • A Network of Mentors — 有抱负的医疗专业人士经常咨询教师导师和Aspire中心的职业专家,以选择符合他们能力和目标的课程. 全球十大赌钱排行app预科生可以参加面试和简历制作研讨会等活动.
  • Student Organizations — AHS专业的学生经常选择参加全球十大赌钱排行app的学前健康俱乐部, Phi Epsilon Kappa, and Athletic Training Club.

See Allied Health Science Courses


Job market for Allied Health Science Majors

根据PayScale的数据,美国员工的平均工资是6%.S. 拥有健康科学学士学位的员工年薪为6.3万美元. The U.S. 美国劳工统计局预测,医疗保健行业的就业增长速度将远远快于所有职业的平均水平. 该联邦机构预计,到2026年,就业增长率将保持在18%. This will result in 2.医疗保健领域新增400万个就业岗位,包括联合医疗保健.



Allied Health Science Special academic options



Learn more about Carthage’s Pre-Health Program


全球十大赌钱排行app提供五年的体育训练硕士学位, shortening the typical route by a full year. AHS专业的学生可以作为大三学生申请进入该项目的专业阶段. 完成前三年的联合健康科学专业学习, and upon acceptance into the master’s program, 完成两年以上的研究生课程. 你将在短短五年内获得联合健康科学学士学位和运动训练硕士学位.



在短短五年内获得全球十大赌钱排行app的学士学位和威斯康星医学院的公共卫生硕士学位. 全球十大赌钱排行app的学生可以在从全球十大赌钱排行app毕业之前报名参加威斯康星医学院的在线研究生公共卫生课程. 本研究生课程最多15个学分可计入本科和研究生学位. After graduation from Carthage, 这些学生继续作为研究生在MCW大约一年,直到他们完成公共卫生硕士课程.

